
[Kernel's][Surnia] Squid & Sr Farías

SrFarias Kernel R8, Kernel for the Moto E 4g 2015
Contributors: srfarias 
Source Code: https://github.com/srfarias/srfarias_kernel_msm8916/
Kernel Special Features: DT2W

Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2016-04-27
Last Updated 2016-06-12

Downloads: XDA Sr Farías Kernel

Squid Kernel for Styx LTE, Kernel for the Moto E 4g 2015
Contributors: squid2 
Source Code: https://github.com/sultanqasim/andro...torola_msm8916
Kernel Special Features: undervolted, lionfish, fiops, intelliplug, latest Linux and Qualcomm fixes

Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: r16g
Stable Release Date: 2016-05-16
Created 2015-04-04
Last Updated 2016-05-16

Downloads: XDA Squid Kernel

Notas Adicionales de Squid:
- r12 en adelante SOLO para Roms 6.0.x
- r6 - r11 Son SOLO para Roms 5.0.x

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